Nicola's blog: Looming tax rises and Hammersmith Bridge update

We have done quite a bit of canvassing in Fulham over the last few weeks and have been surprised by the level of outrage expressed by voters over the ‘donations’ of clothes and glasses received by Keir Starmer and other senior Labour politicians in the run up to the General Election. Many have told us that they regret having voted Labour as a result.
In the near term, however, the focus of attention is on the budget. The £22bn black hole seems to have widened to a £40bn black hole and there has been much speculation amongst financial and political commentators about which taxes are likely to rise. There have been heavy hints from both the Prime Minister and the Chancellor recently that employers’ National Insurance contributions will rise, and the expectation is that the increase will be 1%. It is also expected that capital gains tax will rise but steers from the Treasury seem to suggest that it will not be totally aligned with income tax, where the top rate is currently 45%. A top rate for capital gains of 39% has been mentioned. There may also be an increase in corporation tax and there may be some changes to inheritance tax. The budget announcements will be made on 30 October.
Locally, there is still concern about Hammersmith Bridge. The council circulated a leaflet explaining the current work over the past few days. It was also announced that there would be a number of weekend closures to pedestrians, which is most unwelcome. However, the main thing is that pedestrians will be able to cross during the week allowing many hundreds of children to get to school. The days when they could not cross the bridge and had to walk along the flooded towpath in the dark are remembered with horror by many.
Finally, Hammersmith & Fulham Liberal Democrats will be holding our annual general meeting (AGM) on 20 November. A notice will be sent to Members and Supporters shortly. Prior to the formal business, there will be a talk from Monica Harding MP about how she managed to overturn a huge Conservative majority over the course of two General Elections. We hope that as many of you as possible will join us. Please note that Supporters can attend for Monica’s talk but only Members can stay for the actual AGM.
Nicola Horlick
Chair of H&F Lib Dems